Little Pants Beer

La Costa Perdida

On June 3, 2018, Posted by , With No Comments

Saison with Pineapple & Mango

Perdido Beach

On June 3, 2018, Posted by , With No Comments

The Thin Wit Duke

On April 23, 2018, Posted by , With No Comments

This recipe was originally created as a second running on what will be the final beer in the Station To Station series. But, before I can make that final beer, I decided to give this recipe a whirl on its own, as it seems to Spring-like to not try now.

“The Nature Boy” Ric Flair

On April 22, 2018, Posted by , With No Comments

I’ve been reading a lot about the newish Short & Shoddy brewing method on Brulosophy, which is a 15 minute mash and 15 minute boil. Decided to give it a try on a simple beer. Took a famous homebrew Blonde recipe, tweaked it just a bit, and brewed. Dumped this…

SMaSH: Vienna / Amarillo

On March 30, 2018, Posted by , With No Comments

Figured out, while at the LHBS, that the yeast starter I had going for the Word On A Wing was the wrong kind of yeast. Scrambled in the store, and realized I had a half pound of Amarillo in the freezer as a thank you from AHA for renewing my…

Word On A Wing

On March 30, 2018, Posted by , With No Comments

The next beer in the Bowie Station To Station series. A pale ale, using 2 ingredients from England, America, and Germany. He’s from England, moved to America, and left to go to Germany immediately after this album was done.


On March 24, 2018, Posted by , With No Comments

BJCP 16C – Tropical Stout. The next in thr Station to Station series.

TVC 15

On March 9, 2018, Posted by , With No Comments

The next in the Station To Station series. Chinook, El Dorado, and Mosaic.

The Caganer (2016)

On December 17, 2016, Posted by , With No Comments

It’s the holiday season, boop be doo be doop. So, you know how it is when you’re still learning about all grain brewing and mash efficiencies and you learn a very valuable lesson? Welcome to a 3.5% holiday ale. An accidental session variation of an old recipe.

The Second Anniversary : Cotton

On December 16, 2016, Posted by , With No Comments

The second year of this & we’re back at it. Slight variation on this, as it’s the first all-grain version. Otherwise, used Mandarina Bavaria in lieu of Sorachi Ace, and added some honey 2 days into fermentation.

Wild is the Wind

On December 16, 2016, Posted by , With No Comments

This is the second of six beer brewed in honor of my favorite David Bowie album, Station To Station. How can you not do a wild beer for this one? We here at Little Pants are always down with trying new things, so I took a variation of the Finger…

Golden Years

On December 16, 2016, Posted by , With No Comments

This is the first of six beers brewed in honor of the best David Bowie album ever, Station To Station. It’s actually the second song on the album, but it was the first single, so I guess things make sense kind of as this is the first beer brewed from…

Finger Toe

On April 2, 2016, Posted by , With No Comments

We went to Portland, ME (which we’ll take over Portland, OR any day) and Boston, MA in March of 2016 in search of a jamband reunion, delicious seafood, and beer. We found all of these, including the turbid New England IPA…and Nigerian funk/rock music. That last one is a long…

A Warm Day in November

On March 19, 2016, Posted by , With No Comments

We went on a honeymoon and the trip concluded with a few days in San Diego in the first week of November 2014. One afternoon, while we received reports of snow in Chicago, we sat at an outdoor patio in 80 degrees and sunshine, drinking Modern Times’ Lomaland Saison, and…

A Milwaukee 9

On February 20, 2016, Posted by , With No Comments

We went to Milwaukee and a couple of things happened. (1) We were in the cheese store bar (it IS Wisconsin so there’s a combo cheese store and bar) and the cheese store got robbed; (2) I found this amazing honey at an outdoor market downtown; and (3) I found…

The Aggressive Mick (2016)

On January 9, 2016, Posted by , With No Comments

A revamp of a previous recipe. Wanted to really make this as big as possible while not being a million % ABV. Soaked Mexican Vanilla Beans from The Spice House in Jameson from some shitty booze shop, and added that right into the conditioning beer.

The First Anniversary : Paper

On August 9, 2015, Posted by , With No Comments

The first in what we sincerely hope is an annual process for as long as possible. The same recipe used for It’s the Time of The Saison for Loving, but using grains instead of only honey. This is the base going forward for this annual beer.

Richard Petty

On May 8, 2015, Posted by , With No Comments

The 43rd official batch made by us, and as we all know, the true King was not Elvis. It was #43 himself, Richard Petty. Brown Ale made with Metropolis’ La Cordillera blend and Vanilla.


On March 28, 2015, Posted by , With No Comments

#42 is the answer to everything. We let our Art Director / Bottling Captain / Douglass Adams Lover name this one. A saison utilizing Omega’s Saisonstein yeast for 48 hours, then dumping in some Wyeast Brett Brux and allowing to age out in secondary for 5 months.

Tom’s Lake House

On January 17, 2015, Posted by , With No Comments

Sometimes when frustration sets in, even we at Little Pants Beer have to take a step back and re-assess. Few places offer that type of respite like my old friend Tom’s Lake House. A simple pale ale that hits your boozeometer like an IPA.


On November 22, 2014, Posted by , With No Comments

This beer is called 1975 because on 4/11/15, WXRT played the worst Flashback of 1975 that had ever happened. We righted everything that day, my friends. As the night came, we played a 1975 playlist that would blow your asshole to smithereens. Thereby, 1975.

It’s the Time of the Saison for Loving

On September 7, 2014, Posted by , With No Comments

Our first collaboration? Went to Boston to visit Elwood and Sharon, and brewed this one with Elwood’s Brewery. We would fly back to Chicago, and Elwood’s Brewery would manage fermentation and conditioning, bottle, affix the labels that our Art Director created (and would actually be our first bottled AND labeled…

The Good Ship Ménage à Trois

On August 30, 2014, Posted by , With No Comments

If we could arrange a parade for this one’s return, we would have. Instead, we drank a lot of it. The BEST peaches from Flaming Fury at Green City Market make this beer expensive to make and fucking fantastic to drink. When IPA’s start to rule your life, you need…

Next Time You See Me

On July 22, 2014, Posted by , With No Comments

Not to be deterred from what, in retrospect, was a year of failing to produce one good IPA, we decided to go after it once again. We almost made it 9 months without making an IPA. Which means we almost made it 9 months without having our proverbial asses handed…

I Can Only Do It Once

On June 15, 2014, Posted by , With No Comments